ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Clinical - Head & neck
ESTRO 2024
Proffered Paper
Local control patterns of GORTEC 2014-04 IIR Trial of SABR or chemo-SABR in oligometastastic HNSCCs
juliette thariat 1 , mathieu bosset 2 , antoine falcoz 3 , dewi vernerey 3 , yoann pointreau 4 , severine racadot 5 , jean christophe faivre 6 , joel castelli 7 , sebastien guihard 8 , florence huguet 9 , sophie chapet 10 , yungan tao 11 , pauline maury 11 , yann sayous 11 , jean bourhis 12 , xu shan sun 13 1 centre baclesse, radiation oncology, caen, France. 2 clinique marie curie, radiation oncology, valence, France. 3 , University Hospital of CHBM, Methodological and Quality of Life in Oncology Unit, Besançon, France. 4 Institut Inter Regional de Cancerologie-Centre Jean Bernard, Radiation Oncology, le mans, France. 5 centre leon berard, radiation oncology, lyon, France. 6 Institut de cancérologie de Lorraine centre Alexis-Vautrin, radiation oncology, vandoeuvre les nancy, France. 7 centre eugene marquis, radiation oncology, rennes, France. 8 Centre Paul-Strauss, Institut de cancérologie Strasbourg Europe, radiation oncology, strasbourg, France. 9 Hôpital Tenon, AP-HP, Sorbonne Université, radiation oncology, paris, France. 10 Centre Henry-Kaplan, université François-Rabelais, CHRU, radiation oncology, tours, France. 11 Gustave Roussy Cancer Campus, radiation oncology, villejuif, France. 12 chuv, radiation oncology, lausanne, Switzerland. 13 Hôpital Nord Franche-Comté, Montbéliard and CHRU, radiation oncology, montbeliard, France
Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SABR) is increasingly used in genuine oligometastases (oMets) to defer initiation of systemic treatments or switch to later lines. In induced oMets, SABR serves as a consolidative treatment of residual or oligoprogressive disease on the ground with little scientific assessment of such practice & its impact on outcomes of drug trials. HNSCC have been underrepresented in multi-histology SABR trials. The GORTEC 2014-04 phase IIR study (NCT03070366) assesses impact on survival without definitive quality of life (QoL) deterioration (1y OSwoQoLloss) of omitting upfront systemic treatments in genuine oMets in HNSCC, often frail/heavily-pretreated, patients by using SABR alone as a more personalized metastatic burden-adapted & cost-saving strategy
With extracranial SABR being relatively new for most centers at protocol conception, center credentialing was performed before patient accrual using a benchmark case.
Patient inclusion criteria were PS 0- 2, life expectancy ≥6mo, controlled primary, 1 -3 PET-confirmed metastases of any site, cumulated PTV≤7cm. Chemotherapy consisted of the 2014 standard of care (SOC), i.e. Extreme. Fraction 53 or 5) size & total dose were standardized on oMet-size & proximity to OAR. Secondary endpoints were survival, PFS, definitive QoL deterioration & dimensions, toxicities, costs, correlation between plan quality by centralized retrospective individual case review (ICR) & local control. Salvage treatments were left to physician’s appreciation (repeat SABR allowed)
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