ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book

S127 ESTRO 2024 showed high contrast tumour images. Consistent with their stable tumour accumulation, 225 Ac-labelled molecules demonstrated therapeutic efficacy in a xenograft mouse model. In summary, the combination of radiotheranostics and the UniCAR-T platform may open new avenues in cancer treatment, as UniCAR target molecules will not only enable (i) CAR-T cell immunotherapy, but also (ii) non-invasive diagnostic imaging and (iii) targeted radioimmunotherapy. Invited Speaker


Unlocking the promise of AI in real-time for a moving target

Elia Lombardo

LMU University Hospital, Department of Radiation Oncology, Munich, Germany. German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), partner site Munich, Munich, Germany. Bavarian Cancer Research Center (BZKF), partner site Munich, Munich, Germany


Motion occurring during a radiotherapy treatment fraction (intra-fractional) can lead to increased dose to healthy tissues and less conformal tumor dose. In this teaching lecture, an overview of artificial intelligence (AI) applications for real-time motion management will be given. The various steps of intra-fractional motion management during MRI guided radiotherapy, from imaging to beam adaptation will be outlined and, considering the latest advancements in the literature, an envisioned workflow (Fig. 1) will be presented that addresses in real-time motion-induced over- and/or under-dosage in 3D [1].

[1] Lombardo et al. " Real-time motion management in MRI-guided radiotherapy: Current status and AI-enabled prospects", Radiotherapy and Oncology 190 (2024) 109970.


Upright - Hard facts: What has been achieved so far?

Sophie Boisbouvier

Léon Bérard Cancer Centre, Radiotherapy, Lyon, France


Treating patients in upright position may improve patient physical comfort, and thus their stability, through a more natural position. In addition, anatomical changes in terms of internal organ position, morphology or motion may have potential clinical benefits for some radiotherapy treatments. Indeed, an increase in lung volume, a decrease in breathing motion, a displacement in the heart, a decrease in the heart width, a lower position of the liver and kidneys, a prostate position less impacted by the bladder filling in upright position than in recumbent position, are the first data available in the literature suggesting that the upright position may be beneficial for treatments. Furthermore,

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