ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Clinical - Head & neck

ESTRO 2024


HPV-positive (HPV+) Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OPSCC) is a specific OPSCC subset whose incidence is rising in developed countries. It is characterized by a specific epidemiological and molecular profile and, more importantly, by a better prognosis in terms of overall survival and locoregional control. Our study aims to evaluate the interest, the collaboration patterns and the emerging trends regarding HPV+ OPSCC.


Cross-sectional bibliometric analysis of articles about HPV+ OPSCC retrieved in Scopus database through the search of "oropharynx", "cancer", and "HPV" in title, abstract, and/or keywords. The search was conducted on February 8th, 2023 all documents published until December 31th, 2022 were eligible for analysis. Outcomes included the exploration of key characteristics (number of manuscripts published per year, growth rate, top productive countries, most highly cited papers, and the most well-represented journals), collaboration parameters (international collaboration ratio and networks, co-occurrence networks), keywords analysis (trend topics, factorial analysis).


A total of 5200 documents was found, published from March, 1987 to December, 2022. The number of publications increased annually with an average growth rate of 19.94%, reaching a peak of 680 documents published in 2021. The 10 most cited documents were published from 2000 to 2012, likely due to a longer citation time period, with more than 1000 citations (range 1105-4645). The factorial analysis of the keywords revealed two main clusters: one on epidemiology, diagnosis, prevention and association with other HPV tumors; the other one about the therapeutic options, including chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery. According to the frequency of keywords, new items are emerging in the last three years regarding the application of AI (machine learning and radiomics) and the diagnostic biomarkers (circulating tumor DNA).

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