ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Clinical - Head & neck
ESTRO 2024
The present analysis aimed to highlight the efficacy and safety of SRT for HN-PGs confirming high LC rate and low incidence of TRAEs. The optimal management for HN-PGs depends on the site and location of HN-PGs as well as patient’s age and clinical presentation. The risk -benefit profile is different for each patient and further prospective experiences investigating larger cohorts of pts are needed.
Keywords: HN paragangliomas, stereotactic radiotherapy
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PET-CT and MRI Adapted NACT followed by CTRT in Nasopharyngeal cancer with intracranial extension.
Nikunj Rajiv Patil, Sambit Swarup Nanda, Ajay Choubey, Ashutosh Mukherji, Ninad Patil, Ajay Krishnan, Satyajit Pradhan
Madan Mohan Malviya Cancer Hospital and Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital, Tata Memorial Center, Radiation Oncology, Varanasi, India
Nasopharyngeal cancer has an annual burden of over 133,354 worldwide (1). They present with a distinct natural history, histology, and treatment outcomes. Patients with intracranial extension (ICE) did poorly even after CTRT before IMRT. With IMRT, highly conformal dose distributions and steep dose gradients enables sparing of critical OARs (2-3). The primary objective is to report the utility of PET-CT and MRI radiotherapy planning in nasopharyngeal
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