ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Clinical - Head & neck
ESTRO 2024
Figure 1. Mean DVH plots (volume VxGy parameters) per group (ORN vs. control) for the entire study cohort. The shaded area corresponds to the 95% confidence interval, which was calculated by bootstrapping as the DVH metrics distribution were not normally distributed.
This consortium has established the largest and most diverse ORN cohort ever published worldwide. Our results corroborate [2-4] the role of smoking and pre-RT dental extractions in the development of ORN and point to mandible volume as a risk factor too. The strongest dosimetric predictor obtained was D30%. Future work will focus on developing NTCP models for MORN using DVH data and spatial dose information.
Keywords: mandibular osteoradionecrosis, multi-institutional
1. Humbert-Vidan L, Hansen CR, Fuller CD, Petit S, van der Schaaf A, van Dijk LV, Verduijn GM, Langendijk H, Muñoz Montplet C, Heemsbergen W, Witjes M, Mohamed ASR, Khan AA, Marruecos Querol J, Oliveras Cancio I, Patel V, King AP, Johansen J, Guerrero Urbano T. Protocol Letter: A multi-institutional retrospective case-control cohort investigating PREDiction models for mandibular OsteoRadioNecrosis in head and neck cancer (PREDMORN). Radiother Oncol. 2022 Nov;176:99-100. doi: 10.1016/j.radonc.2022.09.014. Epub 2022 Sep 28. PMID: 36179801; PMCID: PMC9727320. 2. M.M. Möring, H. Mast, E.B. Wolvius, G.M. Verduijn, S.F. Petit, N.D. Sijtsema, B.P. Jonker, R.A. Nout, and W.D. Heemsbergen. Osteoradionecrosis after postoperative radiotherapy for oral cavity cancer: A retrospective cohort study. Oral Oncology, 133:106056, 10 2022.
3. L.V. van Dijk, A.A. Abusaif, J. Rigert, M.A. Naser, K.A. Hutcheson, S.Y. Lai, C.D. Fuller, and A.S.R. Mohamed. Normal tissue complication probability (ntcp) prediction model for osteoradionecrosis of the mandible in patients with head
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