ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Clinical - Lower GI

ESTRO 2024

All 7 (14%) patients with a local recurrence where treated with salvage surgery which included extensive surgery with an abdominoperineal excision and VRAM reconstruction. After surgery 2 (4%) patients experienced a second systemic recurrence and subsequently died of their disease. During RT, most patients experienced acute grade 1-2 skin reaction. No grade 4-5 acute toxicity was seen. Late grade 2 toxicity was found in 9 (18%) patients (7 patients with skin fibrosis, 2 patients with anal incontinence). Late grade 3 toxicity was found in 3 (6%) patients and included ulceration in the skin and subcutis.


Our study demonstrates that electron beam RT enables the delivery of “eye-guided” RT in selected patients with PM. The 5-year LC is excellent in patients with BD, PPD and T-stage 1 SCC. In T-stage 2 SCC the 5-year LC was 57.0%. This number is lower compared to previous studies that investigate radio(chemo)therapy in anal SCC (1) and illustrate that patients with T2-tumours should be considered for another treatment strategy than electron beam RT alone.

Toxicity after electron beam RT is generally low with a good preservation of the anal sphincter function in a majority of all patients.

Keywords: Perianal tumors, electron beam radiotherapy,


(1) J Northover, R Glynne-Jones, D Sebag-Montefiore3 et al. Chemoradiation for the treatment of epidermoid anal cancer: 13-year follow-up of the first randomised UKCCCR Anal Cancer Trial (ACT I). British Journal of Cancer (2010) 102, 1123-1128.


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