ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Clinical - Lower GI

ESTRO 2024

time to surgery (>7 weeks). No postoperative complications were observed after SMART. Patients baseline characteristics, clinical stage and pathological stage and response are listed in Table 1.


Neoadjuvant stereotactic MR-guided adaptive RT for locally advanced rectal cancer is a safe and effective treatment, especially if followed by delayed surgery. Compared with other TNT protocols including several cycles of oxaliplatinum-based chemotherapy, such as in RAPIDO trial 1 , in this study dose-escalated short course RT, precisely delivered using advanced technologies and followed by few cycles of chemotherapy, seems to result in a similar rate of pathological response and limited toxicity. Further larger long-term studies are needed to confirm these findings.

Keywords: short-course RT, MRgRT, TNT

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