ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Clinical - Lower GI

ESTRO 2024

Our protocol appears to be effective in relieving pain and bleeding, with acceptable toxicity. On the other hand, patient selection and a comprehensive geriatric evaluation would be important to avoid futile treatments

Keywords: rectal cancer, palliation, radiotherapy,

References: identifier: NCT03853733


Poster Discussion

Improving radiation oncology through clinical audits: IROCA project for rectal and prostate cancer

Magdalena Fundowicz 1 , Carla Lopes Castro 2 , Luisa Carvalho 2 , Carmen Llacer-Moscardo 3 , Ewelina Konstanty 4 , Dorota Zwierzchowska 5 , Marta Kruszyna-Mochalska 4 , Piotr Milecki 1 , Carles Muñoz Montplet 6,7 , Miquel Macià Garau 8 , Alvar Rosello Serrano 8 , Eva Loureiro Varela 9 , Marco Krengli 10 , Carla Pisani 10 , Joana Lencart 11 , Sebastian Curcean 12 , Ovidiu Coza 12 , Ferran Guedea 8,13 , Julian Malicki 14,4 1 Greater Poland Cancer Centre, Department of Radiotherapy, Poznan, Poland. 2 Instituto Português de Oncologia do Porto Francisco Gentil, Department of Radiotherapy, Porto, Portugal. 3 Montpellier Cancer Institute, Department of Radiotherapy, Montpellier, France. 4 Greater Poland Cancer Centre, Medical Physics Department, Poznan, Poland. 5 Greater Poland Cancer Centre, Department of Trainings and Scientific Cooperation, Poznan, Poland. 6 Catalan Institute of Oncology, Department of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection, Girona, Spain. 7 University of Girona, Department of Medical Sciences, Girona, Spain. 8 Catalan Institute of Oncology, Department of Radiation Oncology, Barcelona, Spain. 9 Catalan Institute of Oncology, Department of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection, Barcelona, Spain. 10 University Hospital "Maggiore della Carità", Department of Radiation Oncology, Novara, Italy. 11 Instituto Português de Oncologia do Porto Francisco Gentil, Medical Physics Service & Medical Physics, Radiobiology and Radiation Protection Group CI-IPOP, Porto, Portugal. 12 Oncology Institute "Prof. Dr. Ion Chiricuta", Department of Radiotherapy with High Energies and Brachytherapy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 13 University of Barcelona, Department of Medical Sciences, Barcelona, Spain. 14 University of Medical Sciences, Electroradiology Department, Poznan, Poland Clinical audits are an important tool to objectively assess clinical protocols and to detect deviations from good practice. Despite the widely-recognized value of clinical audits, relatively few have been performed in the field of radiation oncology. The IROCA project - Improving Quality in Radiation Oncology through Clinical Audits - is a multicentre collaboration among six European comprehensive cancer centres to conduct clinical audits to assess adherence to radiotherapy protocols for the treatment of cancer. In recent years, our group has performed several multicentre clinical audits through an ongoing project known as IROCA. The aim of the present study is to determine adherence to a core set of consensus-based quality indicators for rectal and prostate radiotherapy and to compare the participating institutions in order to identify best practices. Here, we report results for patient data accrual through May 15, 2023. Purpose/Objective:

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