ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Clinical - Lower GI

ESTRO 2024

response at the last follow-up. The remaining 16 patients underwent total mesorectal excision without lateral nodes dissection. Clavien-Dindo grade 3 postoperative complications were observed in 19% (3 of 16) of patients. There was no grade 4+ postoperative complications. 18 patients undergoing tumour resection or with sustained cCR were analysed. The median follow-up time was 52 months (range 40-67). At 4 years, overall survival was 80% (95% confidence interval [CI] 100%-61%) and disease-free survival was 63% (95% CI 87%-39%). Overall, locoregional recurrence was observed in 22% (4 of 18, 95% CI 3%-41%) of patients. Recurrence at the site of the initially enlarged lateral node was observed in one patient (6%, 1 of 18, 95% CI 0-17%). Distant metastases were observed in seven patients including three with simultaneous locoregional recurrence.


This study suggests the utility of radiation boost to the enlarged lateral nodes.

Keywords: rectal cancer, lateral nodes


Digital Poster

iHelp project:personalised health monitoringanddecision supportbased on AI and holistichealthrecords

Alessandra Salvati, Stefania Manfrida, Nikola Dino Capocchiano, Patrizia Cornacchione, Anna Rita Alitto, Giulio Pagliari, Roberta Bertolini, Viola De Luca, Martina De Angeli, Mariachiara Savino, Leonardo Nucciarelli, Maria Antonietta Gambacorta, Luca Tagliaferri, Andrea Damiani

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Radiation Oncology, Rome, Italy


The main aim is the acquisition of PREMs (Patient Reported Experience Measures) and PROMs (Patient-Reported Outcome Measures),using portable monitoring tools during multimodal therapies and follow-up period in patients with pancreatic/prostate/anal cancer,using a dedicated app and wearable technologies (wristband) as data collection tools that can be integrated into the EHR.Primary endpoint is to investigate the role of real-world data in predicting treatment toxicity, assessing patients' QoL and analyzing survival outcomes.


Patients aged over 18 years,with pathologically established pancreatic/prostate/anal canal cancer and indication for radiotherapy treatment are included.EORTC QLQ-C30 and specific dedicated questionnaires (QLQ PAN26,AN27,PR25) are periodically submitted to the patient via a mobile application during radiotherapy treatment and the initial follow-up period.Data regarding motor activity,energy consumption, heart rate, sleep and oxygen saturation are measured through the use of IoT.Demographic, clinical and laboratory data, overall survival and disease-free survival are also collected.The mobile application is Healthentia, an eClinical solution, certified as a Class I medical device, GDPR-compliant and ISO27001 (FAGGS BE/CA01/1-72378) that facilitates the optimisation of clinical trials by accelerating trial processes.Within the iHelp study, the Healthentia mobile application is used to deliver questionnaires that are displayed on the mobile application at given times. In

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