ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Clinical - Lower GI

ESTRO 2024


The current study is limited by its design and small sample of analyzed cases. However, we can conclude that definitive chemoradiotherapy has acceptable late toxicity rates with favourable outcomes.The addition of HDR BT in selected cases may increase complete response rate without apparent synergistic increase in toxicity rates. Intensive radiotherapy may be a good option for patients unfit for concomitant chemotherapy. Additionally, node positive anal cancer at diagnosis has a negative impact on disease prognosis.

Keywords: Chemoradiotherapy, Anal Cancer, Brachytherapy


1. Gondal, T. A., Chaudhary, N.,et al (2023). Anal Cancer: The Past, Present and Future. Current oncology (Toronto, Ont.), 30(3), 3232–3250.

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