ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
S148 ESTRO 2024 demographic, personal, psychological, social, emotional, and financial situations which interact with each other concurrently and repeatedly (Lim et al, 2008). Understanding the experiences of GC patients following treatment can provide insight concerning areas of care in need of improvement that could subsequently improve QoL for future patients (McCallum, 2014). Galway University Hospital, Ireland, has expanded the role of the radiation therapist to bridge the outlined gap in the provision of healthcare, supporting the patient throughout all stages of their treatment journey, including post treatment in the survivorship era. GC patients are afforded time, space and professional support to address all the challenges they face following their experience of radiotherapy. The role is particularly important and relevant in the survivorship era given measures taken to prevent a broad range of adverse late effects such as vaginal stenosis as well as cardiovascular and fracture risks associated with treatment induced menopause. This highlights the scale of untapped potential that resides with radiation therapists and the magnitude of their impact in patient care at all stages of the patient experience, not just during treatment or before. Invited Speaker
ESTRO-ACROP guideline: recommendations on implementation of breath-hold techniques in radiotherapy
Helen A McNair
Institute of Cancer Research, Radiotherapy and Imaging, London, United Kingdom; Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Radiotherapy, London, United Kingdom
The use of breath-hold techniques in radiotherapy, such as deep-inspiration breath hold, is increasing although guidelines for clinical implementation are lacking. In these recommendations, we aimed to provide an overview of available technical solutions and guidance for best practice in the implementation phase. In this presentation an overview of the guidelines will be presented alongside specific challenges in different tumour sites. Factors such as staff training and patient coaching, accuracy, and reproducibility will be discussed.
Bridging the evidence gap: From physics and technology innovations to clinical practice
David I Thwaites
Leeds University, Leeds Institute of Medical Research, Leeds, United Kingdom; University of Sydney, Institute of Medical Physics, Sydney, Australia
Jens Overgaard’s legacy includes (among many other things!) his contribution to scholarly science in radiation oncology through his long period of editorship of Radiotherapy and Oncology , ESTRO’s flagship journal. One continuous theme found there is support for disseminating and translating new biological and physical knowledge from research into clinical practice. The journal was founded in 1983, a time that can be seen in retrospect as a launch
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