ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Clinical - Lung

ESTRO 2024

With a median follow-up of 2.8 years (2.5 months-8.4 years), the median OS was 47.7%. We found significant differences between the type of scheme received, concomitant or sequential Ch-RT vs radical RT (p=0.03) and thus prescription dose ≥60Gy (p<0.001). The OS was improved if they had surgery (p<0.01). The stages IIIa -b had significant better OS than IIIc (44-48% vs 33%; p=0.05). Table 1.

The prevalence of cardiac events was 4.4% at 2.8 years after diagnosis. The mean heart dose (MHD) was 7.73 Gy (0.06-32). Median dosimetric parameters analyzed were V5, V30, V40 and V50 (37.3%, 9.98%, 6.11% and 0.92% respectively). No statistical differences in OS or cardiac events were found between the different dosimetric parameters or CVRF. Patients with CAC>0 on planning CT (n=106) were analyzed. CAC>0 was found in 83.33% of the patients that had cardiac events during follow up (n=6). Regarding cardiac factors we observed that prior CVD and CAC score ≥3 might be predictors of worse OS (CVD: 33.7% vs 49%; p=0.03; and CAC score ≥3: 13.6% vs 37.9% p=0.01). However, there was no significant association between the CAC and cardiac events (p=0.96). Figure 1.

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