ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Clinical - Lung

ESTRO 2024

For survival analysis overall survival was calculated from date of first fraction of radiotherapy until date of death or if still alive a censor date of 06/09/2023. Median overall survival and survival probabilities with a 95% confidence interval were calculated using R-statistical software. We are unable to draw meaningful conclusions from groups with missing records or low numbers, such as stage IV disease, poor performance status and significant co-morbidity. Those groups that have been removed do not feature in the survival comparison analysis.

In the SABR cohort, due to sample size disparities between stage I and other groups survival estimates were not calculated by stage.


Baseline patient characteristics summarised in table 1.

Summary of median overall survival (see table 2 for full survival analysis):

SABR cohort (85% stage I patients): 41 months (95% CI 38-45).

Radical radiotherapy cohort (Mix stage I-IV patients): 22 months (95% CI 20-24).

Concurrent chemoradiotherapy cohort (100% stage III patients): 38 months (95% CI 33-52).

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