ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Clinical - Mixed sites, palliation

ESTRO 2024


Digital Poster

Assessment of sleep quality, depression, anxiety and stress in patients undergoing radiotherapy

Nadia Bouzid, Rym Zanzouri, Sabrine Tebessi, Rihem Fayala, Sameh Tebra

Faculty of medecine, Farhat Hached Hospital, Sousse, Tunisia


Sleep disorders appear to be more frequent in cancer patients. They are a major source of discomfort, increasing patients' physical and psychological suffering and potentially affecting their mental health.

The aim of our study is to evaluate sleep quality, depression, anxiety and stress in cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy, as well as the different factors involved.


Analytical cross-sectional study carried out with 40 cancer patients undergoing curative radiotherapy at the Oncological Radiotherapy department of the Farhat Hached Hospital, Sousse, Tunisia, during a period of 1 month. Patients with a psychiatric history were excluded. Clinical history and therapeutic characteristics were collected. Sleep quality and depression, anxiety and stress were assessed using the PSQI (Pittsburgh sleep quality index) and DASS-21 (Depression, Anxiety And Stress) scales, translated and validated in Arab.


A total of 46 patients were included in this study. The average age of our patients was 55.3 [30-68], with a sex ratio of 0.76. 43.47% of patients come from rural areas. The majority (86.9%) were married. Among the cancer types, there were 20 patients (43.47%) with breast cancer, followed by colorectal cancer with 7 (15.21%). All patients were non-metastatic. 30.43% patients were receiving concomitant chemotherapy. Grade 3-4 toxicities were found in 8.7% of cases. 17.4% of patients complained of pain. 37.5% patients were receiving step 2 analgesics. A good performance status (PS=1) was observed in 86.9% of cases.

Global PSQI score was 9.3±3.21 [3-14]. 36.17% of patients had poor sleep quality, with a PSQI score above 5. The components "habitual sleep efficiency" and "subjective sleep quality" were the most impaired.

The median depression score according to the DASS-21 scale was 8.4±5.13 [4-16]. Depression was observed in 26.1% of patients (score>9), mild in most cases (75%). The median anxiety score was 7±3.7 [3-14]. 30.43% of patients had anxiety scores higher than 7. The median stress score according to the DASS-21 score was 15±6.81 [8-22]. Stress was observed in 41.3% of patients (score>14).

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