ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Clinical - Sarcoma, skin cancer, melanoma
ESTRO 2024
margin ranging from 5-10mm depending on histological subtype. Patients were offered a single follow-up visit six months after completion of treatment. Patient reported satisfaction with cosmetic outcome was scored as: very satisfied, satisfied, indifferent, or unsatisfied. Professional scoring was based on LENTSOMA-criteria with an overall cosmetic score reported as: no, minor, major, or disfiguring skin changes, compared to the surrounding skin.
In total, 1133 patients were registered, of which 738 (65%) with follow-up information were included in the study. Patient, tumor, and treatment related factors are shown in table 1. Overall, 711 (96%) of the patients reported to be either very satisfied or satisfied with the cosmetic outcome six-nine months after the end of treatment. This was highly correlated with the overall professional evaluation of the cosmetic outcome (p<0.001), where 97% of cases were described as having either no or minor skin changes in the radiation field when compared to surrounding skin.
In univariate analysis, patient satisfaction with cosmetic outcome was not related to age (p=0.5), sex (p=0.4), or smoking (p=0.5). The same pattern was reflected using evaluation by professionals as endpoint.
In patients with tumor located on the nose, 71% (409) reported to be very satisfied compared to 53% of patients with tumors in other facial locations(p<0.001). Patient-reported and overall professional evaluation did not differ significantly by field size (p=0.4 and p=0.5 respectively). Field size ≥2.5 cm was associated with a higher degree of dyspigmentation (p=0.05) when reported by professionals. Comparison of fraction size (3 Gy/fx vs 4.5 Gy/fx) revealed no significant difference in patient reported cosmetic outcome (p=0.3), which again was in accordance with the overall professional evaluation (p=0.8). In a linear regression analysis of patients with complete information on all parameters (N=636), neither age, sex, smoking, field size, nor fractionation were independent significant factors for patient satisfaction six months after radiotherapy. However, increasing field size (p=0.04), current smoking (p=0.01), and increasing age (p=0.05) were associated with worse professional scoring.
Age (Median)
74 years [33-96y]
73.5 years [33-96y]
472 (42%)
319 (43%)
656 (58%)
419 (57%)
Smoking status
Current/former smoker
328 (29%)
226 (31%)
Never smoker
596 (53%)
410 (56%)
204 (18%)
102 (14%)
Tumor location
900 (80%)
579 (79%)
Other facial regions
228 (20%)
159 (21%)
Tumor stage
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