ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Clinical - Upper GI
ESTRO 2024
12-, 36-, and 60-month cumulative incidence of HCC recurrence in the SBRT group (47%, 73%, 75%) was comparable to the surgery group (69%, 69%, 69%) (Gray's test P=0.89).
Long term survival is possible in patients with HCC and MVI in a substantial minority of patients with HCC and MVI treated with local therapies. There was no statistical difference in outcomes; however, surgical resection resulted in numerically longer survival outcomes compared to SBRT after propensity score adjustment. There is rationale for investigating both local therapies with systemic therapies in future clinical trials.
Keywords: SBRT, HCC, surgery
Digital Poster
Dose to left atrium and major cardiovascular events in esophageal cancer patients treated with EBRT
Victor Nguyen 1 , Jean-Philippe Metges 2 , Olivier Pradier 1,3 , Vincent Bourbonne 1,3
1 University Hospital Brest, Radiation Oncology, Brest, France. 2 University Hospital Brest, Medical Oncology, Brest, France. 3 INSERM, LaTIM UMR 1101, Brest, France
While there is a growing amount of data on the cardiac toxicity of radiotherapy (RT) in relation to its impact on cardiac sub-structures (CSS), there are only few studies addressing this issue in patients followed for esophageal cancer (ESOC) We aimed to determine independent parameters of dose received by CSS in relation to the occurrence of major cardiac events (MACEs) in this population.
We retrospectively analyzed 129 patients treated with exclusive RT or chemo-RT for ESOC. Heart and CSS i.e. right atrium, left atrium (LA), right ventricle, left ventricle and myocardium, have been automatically segmented, and dose volume histogram were extracted. Cardiac events were collected focusing on the occurrence of major cardiac events (MACEs) of grade 3 or higher (G3+) and grade 4 or higher (G4+) according to the CTCAE v5.0.
Within a median follow-up of 21.9 months, 25 and 11 patients had G3+ and G4+ MACEs with a respective median time to event (TTE) of 14.9 and 14.7 months. After multivariate analysis and among all heart and CSS-based dosimetric features, only the volume of LA receiving 15 Gy or more (V15LA) remained significantly associated with
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