ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Clinical - Urology
ESTRO 2024
This innovative trial proposes a lifestyle intervention during RT, which includes both dietary and physical activity counselling, as well as monitoring changes in microbiome and serum biomarkers. The promotion of healthy behavior will be started before initiation of standard care, to achieve long lasting impacts, control side effects, coping with feelings of anxiety and depression and improve the effectiveness of RT.
Keywords: Lifestyle, Quality of life, Microbiota
Poster Discussion
The impact of fiducial markers-based image guided radiotherapy for prostate cancer.
Senquan Feng 1 , Charlotte L. Brouwer 1 , Arjen Van Der Schaaf 1 , Jorinde Janssen 1 , Floor H.E. Staal 1 , Katalin Tamasi 2 , Johanners A. Langendijk 1 , Shafak Aluwini 1 1 University Medical Center Groningen, Radiation oncology, Groningen, Netherlands. 2 University Medical Center Groningen, Epidemiology, Groningen, Netherlands
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