ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Clinical - Urology
ESTRO 2024
There were two functional domains where Group A was found to have a statistically significant worsening in the score compared to Group B at any one time point. These included Physical functioning at 12 months, and social functioning at 3- and 12- months. The difference was only deemed to have a MID for social functioning11. There were two symptom scores were Group A had a statistically increase (worsening) of the score compared to Group B, these were financial difficulties and loss of appetite at 12 months. Constipation decreased (improved) at 24 months in Group A. These scores do not have an associated MID as they are not felt to be relevant to prostate cancer.
There was no statistical difference in the mean QLQ-PR25 scores at each time point for urinary symptoms or bowel symptoms between the two groups (Figure 2).
This study found that prostate cancer SBRT on the Unity 1.5T MRL with 36.25 Gy to 40 Gy in 5 fractions is well tolerated by patients. PROs showed acceptable levels of toxicity in both groups, with minimal changes from baseline, suggesting that the impact of prostate MRIgART on QOL is limited. There was no evidence to suggest that
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