ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Clinical - Urology
ESTRO 2024
Tailoring the radiation volumes using clinical pathologic risk factors rather than a one-size-fits-all approach is seems prudent in these patients. Our study has the benefit of long term follow-up but is limited by a small sample size and retrospective analysis highlighting the need for a more prospective data to answer these important questions.
Keywords: Post-prostatectomy, prostate, salvage radiation
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Analysis of recurrences after radiotherapy of the prostate bed in our centre
María Cerrolaza 1 , Agustina Méndez 1 , Cristina Garcia 1 , Victoria Navarro 1 , Alberto Lanuza 1 , Claudia Colom 1 , Javier Díez 2 , Ana Galan 1 1 University Hospital Miguel Servet, Radiation Oncology, ZARAGOZA, Spain. 2 University Hospital Miguel Servet, Physics, ZARAGOZA, Spain
Radical prostatectomy (RP) represents one of the major treatment for localized prostate cancer. However, almost 30% of patients relapse after surgery and undergo salvage radiotherapy (PORT) with curative intent. there are series describing recurrences after PORT up to 24-27%. Distant recurrence remains the predominant pattern of failure in patients experiencing biochemical recurrence after postoperative radiotherapy with or without elective nodal irradiation. We sought to characterize the most common anatomic sites of recurrence and to find association with risk factors in a cohort of men who received PORT at our center.
Data were collected from 198 patients who had undergone radical prostatectomy with or without lymphadenectomy and had received radiotherapy in the prostate bed (adjuvant or salvage). Those who had presented some type of recurrence during follow-up were selected. The location of recurrence, treatments performed and their association with anatomopathologic variables were analyzed.
With a median follow-up after PORT of 37 months 57 patients presented some type of recurrence (28.78%). Mean age was 62.1 years and mean PSA at diagnosis was 16.5 ng/mL. The mean PSA after RP was 0.42 ng/mL reaching a highest PSA after RP mean of 1.82 ng/mL. The mean first PSA after PORT was 0.94 ng/mL reaching a mean nadir PSA after PORT of 0.33 ng/mL.
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