ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Interdisciplinary - Education in radiation therapy

ESTRO 2024

Quality of facilitator instruction is known to significantly influence student achievement [1]. GenesisCare Australia has a national online physics training program for ROMP registrars to assist their certification by the Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM). The program involves weekly education sessions such as lectures, tutorials, and exam preparation sessions. New cooperative-learning exercises were implemented to diversify instructional practice and improve registrar communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. These skills are essential for medical physicists to provide comprehensive patient care. The purpose of this study is to review the implementation of these sessions and registrar’s perceptions of the sessions.


Adult learning theory and diverse instructional methods were applied to the online education of a group of medical physics registrars. The GenesisCare national education program was evaluated in the context of adult learning characteristics and in addressing the needs and expectations of the learners. Key concepts such as creating a collaborative and informal learning environment, problem-based learning scenarios and the neuroscience of learning were examined. Current facilitation techniques were supplemented with new cooperative learning practices including jigsaw exercises which require each learner to research a designated component, and present their element to the group, to build a complete picture [2]. Think-Pair-Share exercises were coupled with problem-based learning to improve higher-order thinking skills and to motivate registrars with real-world clinical examples [3]. Program coordinators identified appropriate topics for teaching via collaborative learning rather than didactic methods. Topics included overview of linac parts, SXRT dosimetric protocols and patient simulation and planning. Madeline Hunter's lesson design framework was used to plan cooperative learning sessions.


Feedback was sought from learners after each new exercise and reflections were discussed with training coordinators. Responses received from learners were overwhelmingly positive with enthusiasm to continue the new learning techniques. The evaluations found the exercises and adaptions generated increased collaboration and response rates. All registrars felt they were adequately challenged by the exercises and benefited from real clinical examples. Senior registrars felt they could immediately implement what they had learned, while new registrars (enrolled less than eight months) indicated they would be able to apply the knowledge in the future. Registrars were asked to propose future topics for cooperative learning exercises and most suggestions were around patient planning and linac troubleshooting. Time management presents an ongoing issue in this early implementation phase, with most sessions running 5-10 minutes overtime.


Adult learning theory and new cooperative learning practices were implemented in the GenesisCare national physics registrar training program with positive feedback. Additional work is required to further develop the program, address timing issues, and assess improvements to registrar performance.

Keywords: cooperative learning instruction


1. Wedel K. Instruction time and student achievement: The moderating role of teacher qualifications. Economics of Education Review . 2021;85(102183) doi:10.1016/j.econedurev.2021.102183

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