ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Interdisciplinary - Education in radiation therapy
ESTRO 2024
All responding supervisors stated they understood the program purpose and the expectations of registrars. All ensured their registrar has protected time to prepare and attend sessions. Most felt the program reduced their workload as a supervisor, however one felt this was offset by increasing their clinical workload to allow their registrar time to attend. All agreed the topics were beneficial and provided registrars with expertise and experience they may not gain locally. All agreed registrar learning was enhanced by having a range of experts present on different topics. Suggestions for improvement include formalising protected time nationally with executive managers and providing an initial introduction to clinical medical physics to bring registrars quickly up to speed. Past registrar responses mostly mirrored those of current registrars; all agreed they understood the purpose and expectations. One past registrar disagreed they were regularly able to participate citing clinical duties. Two registrars felt they did not regularly use the produced work for clinical evidence. All agreed the program was useful and that they gained additional experience they may not have locally, and having expert physicists present was useful.
The evaluation showed both registrars and supervisors found the GenesisCare program useful in their training by enhancing learning, reducing workloads, and facilitating collaboration. By providing registrars with access to a broad range of experts, clinical case studies and complex topics, they receive a more comprehensive education, enhancing their ability to provide patient care. This ensures patients in all centres receive the best possible care from local physicists. Improvements to the program over the past two years have enhanced opportunities for registrars to accumulate evidence for learning outcome completion. Further work is required to ensure both registrars and supervisors are supported for attendance.
Keywords: evaluation network physics
1. Clements N, Mac Nally C, Moylan R, Waterhouse D, A collaborative approach to ROMP TEAP registrar training. Phys Eng Sci Med 44, 351–356 (2021)
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