ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Physics - Detectors, dose measurement and phantoms

ESTRO 2024

Only for criterion 3%3 mm the average %GP was acceptable for all VMAT plans, with average rates of 97.18%. For criterion 2%/2 mm %GP was 86.76%. The %DE between 0.1 and 6.6 were observed (%DEmean =1.59%). The average AUC value of ROC was 0.555 ± 0.11 and 0.471 ± 0.11 for 3%3 mm, 2%/2mm respectively. 3%/3 mm criteria had a better prediction on the %DE than did 2%/2 mm, but the accuracy of both gamma index methods were not good enough for clinical acceptable with AUC values lower than 0.6


Value of AUC confirmed the low diagnostic usefulness of the %GP parameter for examined SBRT plans. Low sensitivity of 3%/3 mm gamma method was confirmed. More efficient methods for evaluation dosimetric errors should be urgent implemented.

Keywords: SBRT, gamma index, (ROC) Curve analysis


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Assessment of various dosimetric correction factors for small and large field sizes of photon beams

Boopathi M 1,2 , Khanna D 1 , Mohandass P 3 , Venkatraman P 4 , Gogul Priean V 5

1 Karunya Institute, Department of Applied Physics, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore, India. 2 Dharan Cancer Speciality Centre Pvt Ltd, Radiation Oncology, Salem, India. 3 Fortis Cancer Institute, Radiation

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