ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Physics - Dose calculation algorithms

ESTRO 2024

Table 1. PDD and dose profiles at depths of 20 and 30 cm measured from Ethos compared with measurements from the two Halcyon units and with Eclipse calculations (AcurosXB v.15.6.06 algorithm)


The favorable results in the comparison of measurements conducted in the Ethos and Halcyon treatment units, as well as the comparison of measurements obtained from the Halcyon treatment units versus calculations in Eclipse using the AAA algorithm, indicate that the observed discrepancies are due to the calculation in Acuros XB algorithm. Further investigations will be needed to conclude what is the correct spot size that fits correctly with the measures that were obtained and whether other configuration parameter of the dose calculation algorithm is causing these discrepancies.

Keywords: Ethos, Acuros, spot size


Digital Poster

A Monte Carlo comparison of the Analytic Anisotropic Algorithm vs Acuros XB in cardiac radioablation

Michael T Prusator 1 , Wesley Tucker 1 , Tom Mazur 1 , Geoffrey Hugo 1 , Sreekrishna Murty Goddu 1 , Clifford Robinson 1 , Phillip Cuculich 2 , Pamela Samson 1 , Matthew Schmidt 1 , Nels Knutson 1 1 Washington University in St. Louis, Radiation Oncology, St. Louis, USA. 2 Washington University in St. Louis, Electrophysiology, St. Louis, USA

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