ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Physics - Dose calculation algorithms

ESTRO 2024

These results suggest no difference in performance depending on tumor location or type of treatment. An average RMSD of 0.94 ± 0,22 cGy.Gy-1 is obtained, in good agreement with literature (6,7). A systematic overestimation, strongly correlated with the dose to be predicted, was observed for areas far from the field in the experimental results (of the order of 1 Gy), suggesting modified shielding properties depending on the generation of accelerators considered.


For the first time, we proposed an AI-based approach for producing whole-body dose maps in a very short time (inference time per patient averaging 6.5 seconds). The results were very promising during the development and experimentation phases, demonstrating good generalization capabilities, except in cases where the leakage component had a very specific signature. We have demonstrated that it can be used in routine clinical practice, as only data that is systematically and easily accessible to all patients receiving radiotherapy is required. This proof of concept represents a substantial advance in the systematic estimation of whole-body dose calculations for all radiotherapy treatments. This advance will make it possible to effectively reduce the toxicities associated with radiotherapy.

This work has benefited from the grant ANR-21-RHU5-0005 within the FRANCE2030 investment plan.

Keywords: Out-of-field dose, Deep Learning, Clinical use


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