ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Physics - Dose calculation algorithms

ESTRO 2024

3. Kendall E, Algan O, Chen Y, Ahmad S. (2020) Dosimetric comparison of TMR10 and convolution dose algorithms in GammaPlan treatment planning system. Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice19: 93–97. doi:10.1017/S1460396919000347. 4. Fallows P, Wright G, Harrold N, Bownes P. A comparison of the convolution and TMR10 treatment planning algorithms for Gamma Knife® radiosurgery. J Radiosurg SBRT. 2018;5(2):157-167. PMID: 29657896; PMCID: PMC5893456. 5. Schlesinger DJ, Nordström H, Lundin A, Xu Z, Sheehan JP. Dosimetric effects of Onyx embolization on Gamma Knife arteriovenous malformation dose distributions. J Neurosurg. 2016 Dec;125(Suppl 1):114-122. doi: 10.3171/2016.6.GKS161502. PMID: 27903195.

6. Roberts DA, Balter JM, Chaudhary N, Gemmete JJ, Pandey AS. Dosimetric measurements of Onyx embolization material for stereotactic radiosurgery. Med Phys. 2012 Nov;39(11):6672-81. doi: 10.1118/1.4757918. PMID: 23127061.

7. Ramachandran P, Perrett B, Dancewicz O, Seshadri V, Jones C, Mehta A, Foote M. Use of GammaPlan convolution algorithm for dose calculation on CT and cone-beam CT images. Radiat Oncol J. 2021 Jun;39(2):129-138. doi: 10.3857/roj.2020.00640. Epub 2021 Jun 16. PMID: 34619830; PMCID: PMC8497862. 8. Schröder L, Stankovic U, Sonke JJ. Technical Note: Long-term stability of Hounsfield unit calibration for cone beam computed tomography. Med Phys. 2020 Apr;47(4):1640-1644. doi: 10.1002/mp.14015. Epub 2020 Jan 28. PMID: 31923327.


Digital Poster

Low-Dose Contribution from Imaging and out-of-field doses in Radiation Therapy for Lymphoma patients

Mercedes Riveira-Martin 1 , Maite Romero-Expósito 2,3 , Mona Azizi 3,4 , Francisco Mosquera-Pena Sánchez 5 , Iñigo Nieto Regueira 6 , Virginia Ochagavia Galilea 6 , Victor Muñoz Garzón 6 , Ignacio N. Lopez Martinez 7 , Isidora Muñoz 7 , Ignacio Espinoza 7 , Beatriz Sanchez-Nieto 7 , Alexandru Dasu 8,9 , Iuliana Toma-Dasu 3,4 , Antonio Lopez Medina 10,11,1 1 Galicia Sur Health Research Institute, Genetic oncology, Radiobiology and Radiointeraction Research Group, Vigo, Spain. 2 The Skandion Clinic, Medical Physics Department, Upssala, Sweden. 3 Karolinska Institutet, Oncology Pathology Department, Stockholm, Sweden. 4 Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden. 5 SERGAS, Medical Physics and RP Department, Vigo, Spain. 6 SERGAS - GALARIA, Radiotherapy department, Vigo, Spain. 7 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Instituto de Física, Santiago de Chile, Chile. 8 The Skandion Clinic, Medical Physics Department, Uppsala, Sweden. 9 Uppsala University, Medical Radiation Sciences, Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala, Sweden. 10 SERGAS - GALARIA, Medical Physics and RP Department, Vigo, Spain. 11 Universidade de Vigo, Bioloxía funcional e ciencias da saúde, Vigo, Spain


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