ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Physics - Dose prediction, optimisation and applications of photon and electron planning

ESTRO 2024

The table shows some numerical values. It is observed that the PTV coverage for the prescription dose (PD) is greater in the final adapted DVH, while the PTV volume covered by the 105% prescription isodose is lower, so probably with each adapted plan, depending on the position of the OAR respect the PTV, the plan quality improves.

When analyzing the minimum, maximum, and mean OAR doses, the greatest differences are observed for the mean bladder dose, as this organ undergoes large changes in volume during and between treatments.


With Velocity tm DIR, a final total DVH can be obtained that is closer to the dose delivered to the patient. This is very important for treatments involving critical organs. Obtaining histograms that adjust the sum of the doses received in each session can be very useful in making clinical decisions for future treatment courses and in deciding which decision to make during treatment.

Keywords: MR-linac, deformable registration, adaptative


Thor, M., Andersen, E. S., Petersen, J. B., Sørensen, T. S., Noe, K. Ø., Tanderup, K., ... & Muren, L. P. Evaluation of an application for intensity-based deformable image registration and dose accumulation in radiotherapy. Acta Oncologica, 2014, vol. 53(10), 1329-1336.

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