ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Physics - Dose prediction, optimisation and applications of photon and electron planning

ESTRO 2024


The combination of OZH and OVH was suitable to build up a knowledge-based automated DVH prediction module. The method provides an effective quality control mechanism for evaluating the DVHs of the OARs. Implementing this method in the clinical workflow of treatment planning will contribute to advance the quality of VMAT plans and even more will avoid insufficiently well plans. The database and workflow build a basis, expandable to other tumor regions and applications such as spatial information dependent scoring and automated treatment planning.

Keywords: Organ-Volume-Histogramm, Lung, Dose Prediction


[1] Wu, B., Ricchetti, F., Sanguineti, G., Kazhdan, M., Simari, P., Chuang, M., Taylor, R., Jacques, R. and McNutt, T. (2009), Patient geometry-driven information retrieval for IMRT treatment plan quality control. Med. Phys., 36: 5497-5505.


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