ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Physics - Dose prediction, optimisation and applications of photon and electron planning

ESTRO 2024

The differences, both in sinogram modulation and in the histogram of leaf-open times, are noticeable in Figure 2. The bell-shaped histogram of VOLO (left) does not employ short times of less than 100ms in any target, which would compete with the leaves latency time. Furthermore, the percentage of the maximum projection time (MPT) is less than 1% of the overall time contribution. Both VOLO ULTRA (centre) and RayStation (right) exhibit less smooth modulation, with the latter showing a higher contribution of extreme times (LOT less than 100ms plus the maximum projection stick), exceeding 20% in all cases. The contribution of the maximum projection time stick represents on average 27% for VOLO ULTRA and 8% for RayStation.


Raystation achieves the fastest optimization and calculation time. However, VOLO -ULTRA provides the shortest beam on time among the three systems.

The distribution of beam-on times changes significantly compared to VOLO: the delivery of the dose for both VOLO-ULTRA and RayStation is associated with a high percentage of LOTs corresponding to the maximum projection time.

Keywords: Radixact, Precision, RayStation


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