ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Physics - Image acquisition and processing
ESTRO 2024
The image segmentation in half-AB DTS images yielded superior results compared to full-AB DTS images, primarily due to the higher temporal resolution, which could be attributed to the shorter image acquisition time. Additionally, the image segmentation in half-A DTS images represented improved results compared to half-AB DTS images, mainly because of reduced mechanical constrains arising from the use of dual image panels. The distribution of grayscale histograms within the sternum outline provided clearer quantification of the segmentation results, half-A DTS images showed a more concentrated distribution in higher grayscale values compared to partial-A DTS images. In summary, the half-A DTS images, acquired with 60° image acquisition angle, demonstrated the optimal image quality in our system.
Keywords: DTS, RW, IGRT
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