ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Physics - Image acquisition and processing
ESTRO 2024
Figure 1: Histogram with myelin concentration in corpus callosum.
Since the whole brain comparisons could be affected by surgery, further investigation of the CC was made. The CC also had less myelin, with a greater loss for irradiated brain tumor patients. In Figure 1 it is observed that for irradiated brain tumor patients there is a decrease of high concentrations of myelin (showed in orange) as well as a higher amount of low concentration myelin. For smaller CC, there were more partial volume effects during segmentation, this was partially compensated for by drawing in several slices. However, the partial volume can cause some of the increase, observed in the low concentration area.
Effects on the CC, originating from brain tumor irradiation, can be analyzed using qMRI. These effects have earlier been demonstrated using other MR-techniques such as DWI, but it is now shown that relaxometry is useful for evaluating such effects in children treated for brain tumors.
In the future we will expand the study to include more patients, but also to compare with other new techniques such as advanced diffusion measurements with q-space trajectory imaging (QTI)(5).
Keywords: Magnetic resonance imaging, myelin, brain tumor
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