ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Physics - Image acquisition and processing
ESTRO 2024
Figure 1 shows some sCT results from the second centre after three different types of training. Furthermore, as expected, the 2D method presents interslice artefacts especially for the bones structures.
To conclude, the best image accuracy was for the supervised methods. The best MAE for the brain was obtained with the 2D network but the best general accuracy was obtained with the 3D supervised one. These brain results are similar to the literature. Nevertheless, 2D methods present interslice artifacts that could impact the dose and supervised deep learning approaches require a large amount of paired data. That is why, the unsupervised method which does not require multimodal registration step, also provides accurate sCTs, could be used in a clinical context. A dose evaluation will be performed to evaluate the accuracy of these sCTs for a RT clinical application.
Keywords: synthetic CT, brain, deep learning
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