ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Physics - Image acquisition and processing
ESTRO 2024
patient treated with a 1.5 cm diameter BM (0.92 for CT registration and 0.91 for MR registration). For the dose transformation, we found comparable maximum, minimum and median doses for the GTV (Dmax=25.6, Dmin=19.5, Dmean=23.4 Gy for the initial plan, and Dmax=25.6, Dmin=20.5, Dmean= 23.8Gy for the transformed plan) and the total brain (Dmax=25.6, Dmin=0, Dmean=1.3 Gy for the initial plan, Dmax=25.6, and Dmin=0, Dmean= 1.2Gy for the transformed plan).
Figure 1. Workflow application on a patient treated with 1x20Gy SBRT for a right cerebellar BM. A. Initial treatment planning on brain CT scan. B. Transformed brain CT scan and its associated dose map.
Figure 2. ICBM 2009a nonlinear asymmetric space registration of brain MRI, CT and dose map from a patient treated with 1x20Gy SBRT for a right cerebellar BM allowing WMT visualization on pre-treatment RT plan.
Here, we present the first fully automated pipeline allowing registration of pre-SBRT planning imaging, dose map and atlas derived WM tracts. This easily applicable pipeline will make more accessible WM structural connectivity to the radiation oncologist community. From this method, applicable in a large number of patients, without performing DTI, we seek to derive dose constraints to WM tracts. In the future we believe that this method will enable radio oncologists and physicists to propose WM sparing dosimetry.
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