ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Physics - Image acquisition and processing

ESTRO 2024


In a clinical situation, the radial margins from one or several markers can potentially include a substantial portion of the prostate gland and intended target volumes for boost (Fig. 2). Therefore, careful consideration of marker placement becomes essential if dMRI or ADC images are used for target delineation of small intraprostatic boost volumes, or if ADC-values are used for treatment response. Finally, this study determined the radial margin from the center of the fiducial marker to the voxel that is not affected by the artefact in dMRI and ADC-map. Furthermore, the study suggested and applied a statistical test for analysis to objectively define the extension of the artefact around the markers. This can easily be used for studies of other markers.

Keywords: fiducial marker, diffusion-weighted MRI


1.O’Neill AG, Jain S, Hounsell AR, O’Sullivan JM. Fiducial marker guided prostate radiotherapy: a review. Br J Radiol. 2016;89(1068):20160296. Doi:10.1259/bjr.20160296

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