ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Physics - Inter-fraction motion management and offline adaptive radiotherapy

ESTRO 2024

Figure 1: Plot showing the variation of B_H with B_Vol, for the 5 patients in the study.

A plot of the difference in dose constraint values (from P-CT to CBCT) for V36Gy against the difference in B_Ht (from P-CT to CBCT) is shown in Figure 2. For all but Patient A, the results showd that as the CBCT B_Vol decreases compared to the P-CT (difference in B_Ht –ve), the change in dose constraint value increases. For Patients B – D, the correlation between the change in Maximum bowel dose/ V36Gy/ V40Gy values with the difference in B_Ht was better than the correlation of the change in V44GY/ V48Gy values with the difference in B_Ht.

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