ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Physics - Inter-fraction motion management and offline adaptive radiotherapy
ESTRO 2024
Offline plan adaptation based on HyperSight CBCT is feasible for prostate cancer patients without the need to implement a specific calibration curve. For lung cancer patients, breathing motion may introduce artifacts on the HyperSight CBCT, hampering accurate dose calculation on the uncorrected CBCT. The application of density overrides may solve this issue.
Keywords: Ethos, HyperSight CBCT, dosimetric accuracy
Proffered Paper
Integrating image registration uncertainty into dose accumulation via principal component analysis
Sebastian Meyer 1 , Yu-Chi Hu 1 , Andreas Rimner 2 , Laura Cerviño 1 , Pengpeng Zhang 1
1 Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Department of Medical Physics, New York, USA. 2 Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Department of Radiation Oncology, New York, USA
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