ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book

S35 ESTRO 2024 We aim to gather PROMs at eight occasions, before start of RT (base line), at end of RT, three months after end of RT and then yearly until five years after RT. Due to initial lack of integration with the RT oncology information system (OIS) the end of RT and three month forms where omitted initially. Our inclusion criterions are > 18 years of age, Swedish speaking, able to answer independently and have a smartphone, tablet or computer. We use EORTC questionnaires at each measuring time, ten diagnose specific as well as the general QLQ-C30. These are complemented at base line with a few basic questions regarding education, civil status, children and smoking. To implement the project, we aimed at a paperless workflow. In a previous survey with 99 patients answering seven questions (1) we used a software called Blåappen, BlueApp in English (Stetch Care, Sweden). Responders receive a text message, that they can answer directly in their smartphones. The responder can also use a tablet or a computer to answer and it is quite easy for the responder to use. Programs i.e forms and evaluation intervals are defined by the user in the system and the system can send reminders. We decided to try BlåAppen on a large scale. The first questionnaire is sent manually since the responder’s phone number need to be entered into the system. We are in the final stages of implementing an integration with the record and verify system enabling a triggering of questionnaires at the end of RT, i.e. no extra manual intervention. Invited Speaker There are some limitations in the implementation. The patients must have a smartphone, tablet or computer. The forms are in Swedish and some of the questions are quite personal hence the patient needs to be able to read Swedish and use one of the mentioned devices independently. Many of the palliative patients will not participate. We have initiated another study where the patients are called to up assess the effect of the treatment and their wellbeing. The data is gathered and presented in excel format for any analysis at your convenience.

The graphical look of the questionnaire as it looks on the phone, as well as our latest data will be presented.

1. Kristensen I, Kisch AM, Rapid Implementation of Telehealth Visits in Cancer Care – The Perspectives of Patients and Healthcare Professionals. Int J Nurs Health Care Res 2022;5: 1304


Establishing an easily accessible RTT-research network: empowering radiation therapists through collaboration

Rita Simoes

University College London Hospital, Radiotherapy and PBT, London, United Kingdom. The Royal Marsden Hospital, Sarcoma Unit, London, United Kingdom. Institute of Cancer Research, Radiotherapy and imaging, London, United Kingdom


Radiation Therapy Technologists (RTTs) play a crucial role in the field of cancer treatment. Their contributions are essential in the design, implementation, and quality assurance of clinical trials, conducting audits, and leading quality improvement projects. Additionally, RTTs are instrumental in developing and researching novel techniques and implementing new technology. Despite these significant contributions, the potential for RTTs to collaborate on broader research initiatives remains suboptimal, primarily due to the lack of a cohesive, specialty-specific research network. This pitch session proposes the creation of an easily accessible RTT-research network, aimed at facilitating engagement and collaboration among RTTs.

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