ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Physics - Intra-fraction motion management and real-time adaptive radiotherapy

ESTRO 2024


A significant number of sarcoma and melanoma lung metastases are visible on 2D MV or kV orthogonal images for patients undergoing SBRT. This study demonstrates the feasibility of using orthogonal images MV(AP)-kV(LAT) as the standard procedure following CBCT. It has the advantage of tumor visualization in MV AP, superior contrast of bone in kV, and the ability to acquire both images without rotating the gantry. Additionally, ExacTrac X-ray system is feasible for real-time tumor position monitoring with direct visualization of tumor volume within the PTV margin, for select cases where there is a high probability of tumor visualization with a kV source. This is especially valuable in DIBH cases to monitor the reproducibility of tumor position with each breath-hold.

Keywords: metastases lung SBRT, tumor tracking

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