ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Physics - Intra-fraction motion management and real-time adaptive radiotherapy

ESTRO 2024


Digital Poster

EBH abdominal SBRT: inter- and intrafraction motion using two commercial monitoring systems

Cristina Ansón 1 , Pablo Carrasco 1 , Sonia Bermejo 2 , Jessica Jimenez 2 , Noé Ventosa 2 , Josep Balart 2 , Núria Jornet 1 , Pedro Gallego 1 , Jaime Pérez-Alija 1 , Natalia Tejedor 1 , Helena Vivancos 1 , Agustín Ruiz 1 , Marta Barceló 1 , Fátima Leo 1 , Alejandro Domínguez 1 , Víctor Riu 1 , Gemma Sancho 2 1 Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Medical Physics, Barcelona, Spain. 2 Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Radiation Oncology, Barcelona, Spain


The aim of this study is presenting our initial experience in using SGRT in combination with IGRT for patient positioning and monitoring during abdominal SBRT treatments in expiration breath-hold (EBH). In addition, we compare the analysis of inter and intra-fraction set-up errors using the 3D surface mapping with SGRT versus a reflecting block.


Twelve patients with pancreatic or hepatic tumors treated in EBH with SBRT technique in 3 and 5 fraction schemes were included in the study. Treatment plans consisted of 2 10X-FFF VMAT arcs delivered in a TrueBeam unit (Varian).

Six of them were monitored using Align-RT SGRT system with Real-Time Coach (RTC) visual feedback system (group A) and 6 using RSGC Varian reflecting block with Visual Coach Device (VCD) feedback system (group B). The initial set up was performed using SGRT and tattoo marks for groups A and B respectively, followed in both groups by a CBCT (pre-CBCT) applying six-degree table corrections. Additional CBCTs were performed between the 2 treatment arcs (mid-CBCT) and at the end of the treatment session (post-CBCT) for both groups. Six-degree shifts from the CBCT’s online registration were recorded to assess inter- and intrafraction motion. The tolerances used for the real-time deltas (RTD) in Align-RT were ±1.5 mm for VERT; ±2 mm for LAT, LNG, MAG and ±2º for ROT, PITCH and ROLL. The gap amplitude used in RSGC system was set to 3 mm.


Shifts from the CBCT’s registration are shown in figure 1 and figure 2.

Interfraction motion (pre-CBCT) resulted smaller for group A (SGRT) than group B (tattoos, reflecting block) in all directions. The mean of the translation vector magnitude was 0.42(SD 0.10) cm for group A and 1.0(SD 0.41) cm for group B. Shifts resulting from the mid-CBCT and post-CBCT registration showed a lower intrafraction motion for patients of group A (SGRT). The mean of the translation vector magnitude was 0.21(SD 0.20) cm and 0.07(SD 0.16) cm for group A meanwhile for group B was 0.39(SD 0.25) cm and 0.43(SD 0.21) for mid-CBCT and post-CBCT respectively.

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