ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Physics - Machine learning models and clinical applications

ESTRO 2024

Our evaluations show that merely 22% of all submitted papers contain enough information for the publicly available code to be useful. We have discovered major flaws in all other code repositories hindering their reproducibility. According to the conduced poll of authors and researchers in the field, 96% of them have faced issues while trying to reproduce publicly available methods from peer-reviewed papers. The major flaws are the lack of necessary package dependencies for running the code, code for training and evaluating the model proposed in the corresponding paper, trained model weights, proper documentation explaining the available material, and licensing to ensure the material can be used for what the authors intended. The use of publicly available code is becoming increasingly more popular, however the evaluated repositories show no signs of improvement throughout the years in any aspect. Our findings convinced MIDL to adopt our guidelines as the official guideline for reproducibility at the conference. Similar guidelines have already been introduced at larger venues (NeurIPS, MICCAI) however what we propose has been carefully adjusted to where the previously submitted papers are lacking.


Exploring the concerns around reproducibility uncovered dismaying results. Our findings show that there is extensive work that needs to be done. Our publicly available reproducibility guidelines ( offer help for researchers writing papers, aiming to provide reproducible results for the readers. The scope of this project is not over. Advertising our findings and performing similar evaluations at other venues should help raising the awareness about the reproducibility crisis. Continuously adjusting our set of guidelines to more imminent issues makes it a generally useful online resource.

Keywords: machine learning, reproducibility


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