ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Physics - Machine learning models and clinical applications
ESTRO 2024
Automated treatment planning can be achieved by using ML methods alone but also by combining ML with optimization models and algorithms. In this work an ensemble approach joining RL, optimization and fuzzy inference systems is presented for fully automated treatment planning without resorting to large training datasets.
Keywords: Reinforcement Learning, optimization, IMRT
[1] J. Dias, H. Rocha, T. Ventura, B. Ferreira, e M. C. Lopes, «Automated fluence map optimization based on fuzzy inference systems», Medical physics, vol. 43, n.o 3, pp. 1083–1095, 2016.
[2] R. S. Sutton e A. G. Barto, Reinforcement learning: An introduction. MIT press, 2018.
Proffered Paper
DIVE-ART: towards Dosimetrically Informed Volume Editions of automatically segmented volumes
Benjamin Roberfroid 1 , Edmond Sterpin 1,2,3 , John A Lee 1 , Xavier Geets 1,4 , Ana M. Barragán-Montero 1
1 UCLouvain, IREC-MIRO, Brussels, Belgium. 2 KU Leuven, Department of Oncology, Laboratory of Experimental Radiotherapy, Leuven, Belgium. 3 Particle Therapy Interuniversity Center Leuven, PARTICLE, Leuven, Belgium. 4 Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc, Department of Radiation Oncology, Brussels, Belgium
Automatic segmentation in radiation therapy has raised considerable interest for many years, since it allows the clinicians to automate the tedious task of manually contouring anatomical volumes. The accuracy of these algorithms is crucial, particularly in the context of online adaptive radiotherapy, where the time for review and correction should be as short as possible. However, the lack of quality assurance tools requires visual inspection and manual correction of auto-segmented contours. In this work, we propose to reduce these manual operations thanks to a 3D heatmap indicating the regions where the corrections are estimated to have hardly any dosimetric impact: the DIVE (Dosimetrically Informed Volume Edition) map.
The DIVE-map for a given organ is generated as follows:
1. First, the auto-segmented organ is deformed following different amplitudes and directions, resulting in N deformation scenarios (S d,d=1,..N, N=162).
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