ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Physics - Machine learning models and clinical applications

ESTRO 2024

these critical principal components and the respective original radiomics shape features, we pinpointed ‘Maximum3DDiameter’, ‘ShapeFlatness’, ‘ShapeElongation’, and ‘ShapeSphericity’ as the most relevant shape features critical for liposarcoma classification.


Both the deep learning approaches and the machine learning models demonstrated proficient capability in discerning between ALTs and high-grade liposarcomas. Notably, these approaches exhibit promising performance levels when solely considering tumor morphology as the discriminative feature.

Keywords: Sarcoma, Morphology, Classification


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Digital Poster

Knowledge Based Planning with dosimetric scorecards for Total Marrow Lymphoid Irradiation on Halcyon

Lesley Rosa 1 , Anthony Magliari 1 , Chunhui Han 2 , An Liu 2 , Jeffrey Y.C. Wong 2 , Terence Williams 2

1 Varian, Medical Affairs, Palo Alto, USA. 2 City of Hope, Radiation Oncology, Duarte, USA


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