ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Physics - Optimisation, algorithms and applications for ion beam treatment planning

ESTR0 2024

Smaller couch angles for non-coplanar arcs did not significantly impact SABR Spine plan quality when compared to coplanar techniques. However, further research using a patient-specific algorithm for VMAT planning could lead to improved results.

Keywords: Non-coplanar, SABR Spine


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Probabilistic consistency of voxel-wise robustness evaluation in IMPT for neuro-oncological patients

Jenneke I. de Jong 1,2 , Jesús Rojo-Santiago 1,2 , Steven J.M. Habraken 3,2 , Danny Lathouwers 4 , Zoltán Perkó 4 , Sebastiaan Breedveld 1 , Mischa S. Hoogeman 1,2 1 Erasmus MC Cancer Institute, Radiotherapy, Rotterdam, Netherlands. 2 HollandPTC, Medical Physics & Informatics, Delft, Netherlands. 3 Leiden University Medical Center, Radiation Oncology, Leiden, Netherlands. 4 Delft University of Technology, Radiation Science and Technology, Delft, Netherlands


At our center, dose is evaluated using the voxel-wise minimum (VWmin) dose distribution of 28 scenarios, in line with the Dutch robustness evaluation protocol. Although calibrated against PTV-based photon plans, the approach does not allow for insight into probabilistic outcomes, potentially leading to interpatient variation in delivered dose and suboptimal tradeoffs in treatment planning.

To investigate this interpatient variation, for 20 neuro-oncological patients, we analyze the probability distributions of the dose delivered to the CTV. Hereafter, we explore the potential of scaling treatment plans based on these

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