ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Physics - Quality assurance and auditing

ESTRO 2024

Justin Lecher, Katrin Leinweber, Konstantinos Raktivan, Mark eta Cal abkov a, Peter Fischer, Philippe Gervais, Syam Gadde, Thomas Ballinger, Thomas Roos, Venkateswara Reddy Reddam, and freec84. nipy/nibabel: 5.1.0, April 202

M Jorge Cardoso, Wenqi Li, Richard Brown, Nic Ma, Eric Kerfoot, Yiheng Wang, Ben- jamin Murrey, Andriy Myronenko, Can Zhao, Dong Yang, et al. Monai: An open-source framework for deep learning in healthcare. arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.02701, 2022 Morgan Ekmefjord, Addi Ait-Mlouk, Sadi Alawadi, Mattias Åkesson, Prashant Singh, Ola Spjuth, Salman Toor, and Andreas Hellander. Scalable federated machine learning with fedn. In 2022 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid), pages 555–564. IEEE, 2022 Sarthak Pati, Ujjwal Baid, Brandon Edwards, Micah Sheller, Shih-Han Wang, G An- thony Reina, Patrick Foley, Alexey Gruzdev, Deepthi Karkada, Christos Davatzikos, et al. Federated learning enables big data for rare cancer boundary detection. Nature communications, 13(1):7346, 2022. Olaf Ronneberger, Philipp Fischer, and Thomas Brox. U-net: Convolutional networks for biomedical image segmentation. In Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2015: 18th International Conference, Munich, Germany, October 5-9, 2015, Proceedings, Part III 18, pages 234–241. Springer, 2015. 4


Proffered Paper

A validated framework: comparison of international dosimetry auditing procedures for clinical trials

Fre'Etta Brooks 1,2 , Mohammad Hussein 3 , Jessica Lye 4 , Patricia Diez 5 , Rushil Patel 5 , Christopher L. Nelson 1 , Joerg Lehmann 6,7,8 , Catharine H. Clark 3,9 , Stephen F. Kry 1,2 1 The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Radiation Therapy, Houston, USA. 2 Imaging Radiation Oncology Core, Outreach Physics, Houston, USA. 3 National Physical Laboratory, Medical Physics, London, United Kingdom. 4 Austin Health, Radiation Therapy, Melbourne, Australia. 5 National Radiotherapy Trials Quality Assurance Group, Mount Vernon Cancer Centre, Radiotherapy Physics, Northwood, United Kingdom. 6 Calvary Mater Newcastle, Radiation Oncology, New Castle, Australia. 7 University of Newcastle, School of Information and Physical Science, Newcastle, Australia. 8 University of Sydney, Institute of Medical Physics, Sydney, Australia. 9 Radiotherapy Trials QA Group, Radiotherapy Physics, London, United Kingdom


An objective of the Global Harmonization Group (GHG) for QA in clinical trials is to further harmonise international dosimetry auditing practice. In order to intercompare the IMRT audit system results of different international auditing bodies, the relative sensitivity and specificity of the different audit systems to dosimetric errors should be investigated. 1,2 Such a comparison must use a cohort of validated reference plans, that is, plans known to contain no errors, and then use these as a base to introduce known errors. This study developed a workflow in line with the upcoming American Association of Physicists in Medicine/European Society for Radiotherapy & Oncology Task Group on Performance validation of surrogate assessment systems in the context of medical physics applications, to

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