ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Physics - Quality assurance and auditing
ESTRO 2024
Keywords: dosimetry intercomparison, validation, dose errors
1. Lye J, Kry SF, Shaw M, et al. A comparison of IROC and ACDS on-site audits of reference and non-reference dosimetry. Med. Phys. 2019; 46: 5878-5887
2 Clark CH, Hansen VN, Chantler H, et al. Dosimetry audit for a multi-centre IMRT head and neck trial. Dosimetry audit for a multi-centre IMRT head and neck trial. Radiother. Oncol. 2009; 93:102-8. 3. Glenn MC, Peterson CB, Followill DS, Howell RM, Pollard-Larkin JM, Kry SF. Reference dataset of users’ photon beam modeling parameters for the Eclipse, Pinnacle, and RayStation treatment planning systems. Med. Phys. 2020; 47(1): 282-288. 4. Glenn MC, Peterson CB, Howell RM, Followill DS, Pollard-Larkin JM, Kry SF. Sensitivity of IROC phantom performance to radiotherapy treatment planning system beam modeling parameters based on community-driven data. Med. Phys. 2020; 47(10): 5250-5259.
5. Kry SF, Peterson CB, Howell RM, et al. et al. Remote beam output audits: A global assessment of results out of tolerance. Phys Imaging Radiat Oncol. 2018; 7:39-44.
6. Kry SF, Dromgoole L, Alvarez P, et al. Radiation Therapy Deficiencies Identified During On-Site Dosimetry Visits by the Imaging and Radiation Oncology Core Houston Quality Assurance Center. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2017; 99:1094-1100.
Poster Discussion
Improving the quality of radiotherapy planning CT images using a multicentre phantom intercomparison
Anne T Davis 1,2 , Antony L Palmer 1,2 , Andrew Nisbet 1
1 University College London, Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, London, United Kingdom. 2 Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust, Medical Physics Department, Portsmouth, United Kingdom
A recent national intercomparison of CT dose in radiotherapy identified that many centres do not comprehensively adjust their CT scan protocols for different body regions, suggesting scope for scan protocol optimisation to improve image quality for contouring [1].
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