ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Physics - Quality assurance and auditing
ESTRO 2024
Figure 1. Total number of plans with manual updates within MOSAIQ per year.
This project has demonstrated that automated, big data, audits can be used as an additional tool to ensure that the treatment plan is delivered to the patient as intended. The next step is to automate this daily, to ensure unnoticed errors had not been introduced whilst importing the RTPLAN. It also demonstrates the robustness of the checking processes at Leeds Teaching Hospitals over the last 10 years with only one treatment error detected. Conscious changes in the patient pathway have reduced the need for manual input. Improvements in the design of the OMS interface could also lead to a reduction in errors.
Keywords: Audit, Automated, Planning
[1] UK Health Security Agency, “Safter Radiotherapy. Triannual RTE analysis and learning report Issue 36,” UK Health Security Agency, London, 2021.
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Optimization of the comparison metric for EPID in vivo dosimetry of lung treatment
Marco Esposito 1,2 , Riccardo Baldoni 3 , Alessandro Ghirelli 2 , Silvia Pini 2 , Serenella Russo 2
1 The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theretical Physics, Medical Physics, Trieste, Italy. 2 Azienda sanitaria USL Toscana Centro, S.O.C. Fisica Sanitaria Firenze-Empoli, Firenze, Italy. 3 Università degli Studi di Firenze, Scuola di specializzazione in Fisica Medica, Firenze, Italy
In-vivo dosimetry (IVD), with Electronic Portal Imaging Device (EPID), evaluates the accuracy of the entire radiotherapy process, from the treatment simulation to the dose delivery. EPID IVD has shown its potential in catching errors arising from different sources in mono institutional and in multicentric studies. Despite the wide application of EPID IVD, there is a lack of consensus about which comparison metric should be used for the evaluation of the IVD results. In this work we optimized the dose comparison metric based on gamma analysis and DVH by applying the ESTRO protocol [1] for QA and commissioning of the EPID transit dosimetry software. Optimal metric with the highest sensitivity/specificity score has been found.
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