ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Physics - Quality assurance and auditing

ESTRO 2024

Of the 69 recalculated nominal plans, the CTVp dose/volume measure was within the constraint level for 68 plans (Figure 1) with the single marginal exception having a value of 97.6%. The corresponding uncertainty scenarios was above the constraint limit for 63 of the recalculations, with five of the events having values above 97% and the remaining at 94.0%. For the CTVe dose/volume measure, the equivalent results showed 63 of the recalculated nominal plans to be above the constraint level with four values above 95% and the remaining two at 93.1% and 91.8% (Figure 2). Corresponding uncertainty scenarios for 59 of the plans were above the constraint level. The nominal plans falling below constraint level was in every case accompanied by at least one corresponding event for the uncertainty scenarios.

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