ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Physics - Quality assurance and auditing
ESTRO 2024
A unique advantage to the E2E testing presented here is the ability to mimic the specific IORT process, as it would be applied to a patient, i.e., through the complete chain of required data transfer, analysis, and decision-making (steps that are often judgment-based and not tested in conventional physics QA procedures). This study served as a commissioner for the entire brain IORT process, ensuring the quality of all stages of the process, from surgery to measurement of absorbed doses in target and OARs.
Keywords: IORT, brain metastases, end-to-end
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Monitoring of modifications made during the review of treatment plans
Fátima María Leo, Jaime Perez-Alija, Natalia Tejedor, Pedro Gallego, Cristina Ansón, Helena Vivancos, Marta Barceló, Agustín Ruiz, Alejandro Dominguez, Victor Riu, Pablo Carrasco, Nuria Jornet
Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Medical Physics, Barcelona, Spain
Most quality assurance programmes in radiotherapy include an independent review of the quality of the plan by a medical physicist. In this study we analyse the results of such reviews, with the aim of identifying patterns according to technique or pathology in the plans that are subjected to modifications.
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