ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Physics - Quality assurance and auditing

ESTRO 2024

certain tumour areas (head and neck, lung) or pathologies where the anatomy between patients is very heterogeneous (breasts, breasts with lymph node areas).

In the series of plans included in the study, it can be observed that the introduction of RapidPlan for simple prostate and rectum leads to a lower number of modifications. Likewise, pathologies with low complexity also have a lower rate of corrections (bone and brain metastases). In terms of technique, IMRT stands out, with a total of 42% of modifications performed. Since in our centre the majority of breast plans are done in IMRT, it is consistent with the high number of breast modifications. In addition, it can be seen that for modulated techniques there are more modifications, therefore there is more room for improvement in VMAT and IMRT optimization.

Figure 2 shows that, in all locations, the main cause of modification (both major and minor) was dose reduction to organs at risk.


Monitoring the changes made in treatment plans allows to identify areas for improvement in RT treatment planning.

Automatic planning together with the availability of planning guidelines and continuous training of RTTs reduces the number of modifications.

The peer review session allows for consensus on modifications, discuss the need for guidelines and give indications to RTTs, resulting in continuous improvement of treatment quality.

Keywords: Peer-review, Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)

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