ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Physics - Quality assurance and auditing
ESTRO 2024
OAR dose variation between centres can be observed in figure 1. The superior oesophagus, brainstem, cricopharyngeal inlet and inferior constrictor muscle had the largest variation in doses delivered. There were outliers for the contralateral cochlea, posterior fossa, contralateral parotid, glottis and spinal cord, where lower doses were predominately achieved by proton plans with the exception of the contralateral parotid outlier. There were outliers for the contralateral cochlea and posterior fossa, where the higher doses were achieved by photon plans.
Figure 1: OAR doses achieved by centres submitting the benchmark plan, showing the median, interquartile range (IQR), minimum and maximum within 1.5xIQR and any outliers.
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