ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Physics - Radiomics, functional and biological imaging and outcome prediction

ESTRO 2024


We developed a hypoxia detection protocol for use on both a diagnostic MR and MRL which will be validated on its concordance with pimonidazole and GLUT1 staining in prostate cancer. To facilitate accurate co-registration, MR sequences were acquired in the expected plane of histological dissection using 3D-printed prostate moulds following a methodology shown to improve the accuracy of registering histology to imaging. [3] trans in DIL than NP which is consistent with previously published literature.[5,6] This study will be the first comparison of OE-MR in prostate cancer against a histological marker of tumour hypoxia. BOLD and IVIM sequences acquired on a diagnostic MR have been previously validated in prostate cancer against pimonidazole-stained specimens [7,8] but not previously investigated on the MR Linac. We observed lower D, lower v e and higher k

Keywords: Hypoxia,Prostate,MRLinac


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